Dental Crowns

The purpose of dental crowns, also known as tooth caps, is to preserve the functionality of damaged teeth. This is a common dental restoration often used to strengthen a cracked tooth, restore the functionality of a tooth with excessive decay, or upgrade a pre-existing crown. The tooth is covered with a custom-designed ceramic material. Modern dentists can restore teeth with a variety of more conservative methods. Prior to selecting a full coverage crown, you should explore and discuss other options.

Are dental crowns right for me?

In the case where tooth decay or damage is so serious that veneers, direct composite bonding, or other conservative treatments are not an option for you, your dentist may prescribe dental crowns as a treatment option. The use of dental crowns may also be an option for you if you are undergoing root canal therapy.

Dental Crown Procedure with CEREC

CEREC technology enables the dentist to create same-day dental restorations, including crowns. A digital image from an intraoral scanner is used to generate a three-dimensional virtual model on a computer screen using CEREC 3D software. The CEREC 3D computer program allows your dentist to design a crown that is exactly the right shape and size. The dental restoration design data is sent to a milling machine in the office within a few minutes.

The milling machine uses a ceramic block that matches the shade of your teeth to sculpt the crown. After the milling machine produces the dental crown, your dentist will test the dental crown in your mouth to ensure it fits properly and is in proper alignment. Then it is polished, glazed, and, as with glazed pottery, the ceramic crown is then baked in a furnace. Finally, the dental crown is then bonded to the tooth.

Dental Crown Maintenance

Maintain proper oral hygiene habits by brushing twice daily and flossing with dental floss or an interdental cleaner once a day. It is wise to avoid chewing hard objects, such as ice or hard foods, since this can damage your crown. In addition, it is important to avoid biting your fingernails and grinding your teeth, which may decrease the longevity of your dental crown. For those who grind their teeth during sleep, your dentist may recommend that you wear a night-time mouth guard.

When it comes to efficient, high-quality dental care, SP Smile is the smart choice. Our state-of-the-art facility, equipped with the latest technology in dentistry, is the perfect place for all your dental needs. Book a consultation today. We look forward to helping you achieve a healthy and beautiful smile!
