Halitosis Treatment

Halitosis Treatment in Kendall West, Miami

Sometimes, even with our best efforts, bad breath is tough to avoid. If you realize that regular brushing and mints are no longer solving the problem though, the issue may be deeper than surface level. When bad breath isn’t going away and lowering your confidence, we’re here to help. Our staff are experts at finding the root cause of bad breath and attacking it at the source. With our help and simple treatments, we can help you regain your fresh, confident smile for good.

What Is Halitosis?

Occasional bad breath is normal. What sets halitosis apart is that it’s an ongoing condition where bad breath persists even after regular oral hygiene treatments like brushing, flossing, and using mouthwash. Halitosis is a common problem that affects as much as one in three people in the United States. Fortunately, with the help of our friendly and non-judgmental staff, it’s possible to find the source of persistent bad breath and ensure you can feel confident about your smile.

Halitosis is usually the result of an underlying condition that needs professional attention. Here are a few of the most common causes of persistent bad breath that we help address:

  • Poor oral health
  • Periodontal and gum disease
  • Buildup of bacteria between teeth and on the tongue
  • Dry mouth from medical conditions or tobacco use
  • Improper cleaning of dentures and other oral appliances
  • Food particles stuck between teeth

No matter the cause, our team has the expertise and technology to bring you a solution to permanently get rid of bad breath.

Halitosis Treatments

Your halitosis treatment will vary to meet your needs. Your visit will start with a careful consultation with our team to understand your lifestyle and oral health. From there, we’ll recommend a targeted treatment to get rid of odor-causing bacteria and empower your smile.

For some patients with mild halitosis, a regular dental cleaning and improved at-home oral hygiene is enough to get a fresh start. When bacteria has nestled its way beyond the gumline, we may recommend going a step further with a deep dental cleaning. This reaches beyond the gumline to get rid of hard to reach bacteria that contributes to lasting bad breath. We may also recommend an antibacterial mouthwash to remove bacteria or suggest lifestyle changes to prevent bacteria buildups and dry mouth conditions, all simple steps with major impacts on your oral health.

Maintaining a Fresher Smile

Beyond bad breath remedies, we’re here to guide you with strategies to maintain a fresh smile for years to come. Here a few simple tips to keep odor-causing bacteria at bay and enjoy a confident smile:

  • Brush twice, including your tongue, and floss once daily
  • Avoid or stop smoking
  • Make water your drink of choice
  • Remove and clean oral devices daily
  • Schedule regular dental cleaning and exams twice a year

Take Control of Your Smile Today

Your confidence in your smile is just as important to us as your oral health. If at-home bad breath remedies are no longer doing the job, count on our team to find a solution that works. We’ll be at your side to provide expert guidance to bring you back to your outgoing self with stand-out dental care. Book a consultation today to get started with the SP Smile dental team in Kendall West, Miami today!
