You May Need a Dental Night Guard for Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA)

Dental assistant comforting patient at SP Smile Dentistry

If you have obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), you’re probably already familiar with the signs and symptoms. Waking up tired and parched with a headache already on the horizon can really take a toll on your mental health. Even still, CPAP machines aren’t for everyone. Many people try but promptly give up on CPAP treatment. 

According to a review of current research by the National Institute of Health (NIH), people who gave up on CPAP cited these reasons:

  • They switched to a dental appliance
  • Too much noise
  • Discomfort
  • They dislike the machine
  • Claustrophobia from wearing the mask
  • They tried other treatment methods, such as weight loss and surgery

The majority of these people (about 33 percent) switched to a dental appliance! It would be more than worth the cost to find sleep apnea treatment that works for you, so let us convince you to give dental night guards a try.

Dental Night Guards Are An Effective Alternative to CPAP

Doctors have been recommending CPAP as the primary method of treatment for many years now, but with such a large percentage of people who abandon treatment, access to alternative treatment options is becoming more and more important.

Thankfully, research supports the use of dental mouth guards as an effective alternative. One study published by the NIH found that splints (a form of dental mouthguard) were just as effective in treating mild to moderate sleep apnea. While they are not as effective with severe sleep apnea, they do significantly improve:

  • Daytime sleepiness
  • Productivity
  • Social outcomes
  • Quality of life
  • Adherence to treatment
  • Overall health

Every doctor would agree: treatment that works for you is better than no treatment at all. If you tried CPAP and couldn’t make it work, dental night guards can improve your life!

How Night Guards Improve OSA

If you’re skeptical about the effectiveness of nightguards, it may be helpful to know what they’re actually doing when they’re in your mouth. 

OSA is different from its less common form (central sleep apnea) because it involves a physical obstruction in the airway that prevents you from taking a full breath of air. Night guards are great for obstructive sleep apnea because they readjust the jaw and reposition the tongue in the mouth.

Removing this obstacle (in this case, your jaw and tongue) clears the airway, making it easier for you to breathe more evenly, deeply, and noiselessly. As a result, you wake up with:

  • Less dry mouth and bad breath
  • Less irritation and mood disruption
  • More energy throughout the day

Allow Us to Create Your Custom Dental Night Guard

At SP Smile, we love making a difference in the lives of our patients. We hope that we can use our experience and expertise to benefit you every time you come into the office! If you’re tired of being tired, don’t wait to lean on us for help. We can make your custom dental night guard or work with you to figure out what form of sleep apnea treatment is right for you.

Book online or call 786-321-8028 today.
