Six-Month Smiles

With Six Month Smiles, the front upper and lower teeth are aligned in approximately six months; however, treatment times vary depending on the degree of misalignment. A number of orthodontic problems affecting the cosmetic appearance of teeth can be treated with Six Month Smiles braces which use clear brackets and nickel-titanium wires. With low-movement forces and short treatment times, this treatment is ideal for patients who want cosmetic straightening benefits from braces but do not need more complex bite or occlusion corrections.

Are Six Month Smiles right for you?

There are a variety of misalignment problems that can be treated with Six Month Smiles, including extrusions, rotations, intrusions and tipping. It can also be used for cosmetic dental concerns affecting the front teeth.

Getting a Six Month Smile

In your consultation, your dentist will examine your teeth, gums, and oral health to determine if Six Month Smiles is right for you. X-rays, intraoral and facial photos, and impressions of your teeth will be taken to create models that illustrate how they fit together.

Once your dentist determines that you are a candidate, the laboratory will use these models to determine the amount of precision tooth movement needed to achieve the desired straightening effects on your front teeth, as well as the placement of clear brackets and tooth-colored wires.

Your next appointment will include the fitting of clear brackets and tooth-colored wires. Your dentist will apply bonding adhesive to the enamel surface of your front teeth, as well as to the brackets, to fuse them to your teeth. Using a custom-fabricated tray, your dentist places your brackets precisely where they need to be on your teeth.

As your treatment progresses, you will visit your dentist for adjustments and tightening of the arch wires every four to five weeks.

Caring for Your Braces

Preventing enamel damage while wearing Six Month Smiles braces requires brushing your teeth at least three times a day. Maintaining proper oral hygiene and avoiding certain foods are essential. It is also possible that the bond between the bracket and enamel may break if hard foods or candy are consumed, so they should be avoided as well as sticky foods.

Six Month Smiles Cost

Including the cost of any retainers required after treatment, the cost of Six Months Smiles is typically less than the overall cost of traditional braces. It’s helpful to remember that costs vary depending on where you live and your dental insurance coverage. Coverage limitations may also apply because it is considered a more cosmetic orthodontic treatment that only repositions the anterior teeth and doesn’t alter a person’s bite.

A stunning smile starts with SP Smile! Our priority is to provide all of our patients with the highest quality dental care at a reasonable price. For your convenience, we offer membership plans and flexible payment options.

Our dental office is exceptionally clean and cozy, with a staff that is highly motivated to provide top-notch dental care to the Kendall West, Miami community. One of our accommodating specialists would be happy to set up a consultation for you. You can reach us at  786-228-7535. We look forward to hearing from you!
