Single Dental Implants

Single dental implants are the most common type of implant. They are a fantastic way to replace missing teeth and avoid having to wear dentures. Teeth implants are made from titanium and can last for 20-30 years.

The dental implant procedure is usually done in two steps:

  • First, a temporary crown is placed on the implant.
  • Then, after healing, the permanent crown is placed.


Why is a CBCT scan necessary?

Your dentist will likely request a CBCT scan when you are being evaluated for dental implants. You may be curious as to what a CBCT scanner is and why it is necessary.

Cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) is a 3D imaging technology, or x-ray, that allows dentists to evaluate the underlying bone structure, nerve pathways, and surrounding soft tissues. A CBCT scan can show potential dental issues such as tooth decay, bone loss, abnormal growths, and much more. It is necessary for you to have a strong jawbone and healthy gums in order for dental implants to be an effective tooth replacement option. So, the data captured enables your dentist to determine if dental implants can be safely and effectively installed.

During a CBCT scan, the imaging machine rotates completely around the patient’s head. In most cases, a full mouth CBCT scan takes only 20-40 seconds.

Dental Implant Restorations

Occasionally, dental implants can experience problems that require restoration. Wear and tear, bacteria damage, and instability are common issues. Our state-of-the-art dental practice provides dental implant maintenance and repair services. And, we offer a wide range of tooth implant restoration solutions.

The dental professionals at SP Smile are here in Kendall West, Miami to help you put your best smile forward! Our goal is to make sure that you have a complete understanding of all your options so that you can make the best decision for your smile. You can rely on our team to create a customized solution that meets and exceeds your expectations, whether you are looking for a single implant or a complete set of implants.

Dental implant costs can vary based on the type of implant and the number of implants that you need. At SP Smile, we believe everyone deserves to feel comfortable and confident when they smile. This is why we offer membership plans and flexible payment options to accommodate our patients. Our priority is to provide all of our patients with the highest quality dental care, including a wide range of dental implant solutions, at an accessible price point.

We provide dental implants that are made of high-quality materials, so you can be confident that they will last. And, our state-of-the-art facility allows us to meet all your dental needs in-house. SP Smile here to help you put your best smile forward! Book a consultation today.
