Implants for Dentures

Implants for dentures are an option for people with missing teeth or those who have lost their natural teeth. A denture implant, or dental implant, is a titanium post or rod that is surgically inserted into the jawbone.

At SP Smile, we believe everyone deserves to feel comfortable and confident when they smile. Our priority is to provide all of our patients with the highest quality dental care, including a wide range of dental implant solutions, at an accessible price point. We look forward to helping you achieve a healthy and beautiful smile! Book a consultation today.

Full Arch Dental Implants

A full arch dental implant is a popular type of dental implant that is used to support a full set of dentures. The implants are embedded into the jawbone, and the dentures are then attached to the implants. In the event that a person has lost or is losing all their natural teeth, this option would be ideal for them. A less invasive option, of course, would be traditional dentures.

All-on-4® Dental Implants

One of the more popular full arch dental implant solutions is All-on-4® dental implants. All-on-4® implants, which are high-quality full arch implants, are one of the most effective teeth replacement options for a complete set of missing teeth. This technology allows our patients to have a full set of teeth installed without having to undergo multiple surgeries.

The procedure involves placing at least four dental implants, spaced along your jawbone to be able to support a prosthesis that looks just like your natural gums and teeth.

Implant-Supported Overdentures

Implant-supported overdentures are a superior alternative to dentures because they offer stability, durability, and function. Dentures are securely held in place by implants, which anchor to the jawbone. Furthermore, implant overdentures can improve chewing function and give patients a more natural bite.

Snap-On Dentures

Snap-on dentures, a kind of implant overdentures, are a more secure alternative to tooth loss than traditional dentures. Before Snap-On dentures can be installed, a titanium post or rod must be surgically implanted into the jawbone to support the denture. Your denture device is then mounted onto these implants as a “snap-on” mechanism that remains secured to your jawbone until removed by you or your dentist.

We will make absolutely sure that you understand all your options fully in order to make the best choice for your smile. You can rely on our team at SP Smile to create a customized solution that meets and exceeds your expectations, whether you are looking for a single implant or a complete set of implants. We provide dental implants that are made of high-quality materials, so you can be confident that they will last. And, our state-of-the-art facility allows us to meet all your dental needs in-house. SP Smile here to help you put your best smile forward! Please get in touch with us if you have any questions.
