Odontología de sedación

Does the mere prospect of having your teeth cleaned send chills down your spine? Do you avoid visiting your dentist for prolonged periods of time due to intense anxiety? If you can relate, don’t worry, you’re not alone. Many people are so uncomfortable with receiving any kind of oral examination that they choose not to visit the dentist at all. With the aid of sedation dentistry, apprehensive patients are finally able to receive the dental care that they need without feeling anxious or uncomfortable during their treatment

Nitrous Oxide Sedation

Nitrous oxide gas, commonly known as laughing gas, is administered to the patient through inhalation via a gas mask or nasal prongs. Nitrous oxide sedation can be used for any type of dental procedure, including those involving the extraction of teeth or placement of implants. It is also safe for people with heart disease, which makes it an excellent option for patients who are at high risk for complications during surgery.

The use of nitrous oxide sedation has increased in recent years due to its effectiveness, safety, and its affordability. Nitrous oxide gas wears off fairly quickly. This is the only form of sedation which may allow for the patient to drive themselves home following the procedure.

Oral Conscious Sedation

Oral Conscious Sedation is sometimes referred to as sleep dentistry. Sedation dentistry is most commonly associated with this type of anesthesia. The effects of oral conscious sedation can range from minimal to moderate; this is dependent on the total dose given.

About an hour before the procedure, the sedative will be administered to the patient in pill form.
The pill will make you very drowsy, but you will still be awake. For moderate sedation, a larger dose may be administered.

Oral conscious sedation may not be recommended if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.

Reserve su cita today and settle into Dr. Susel Perez’s dental chair in no time! The friendly and accommodating staff at SP Smile will have you feeling more at home than you’ve ever felt at a dentist’s office. Our dental practice is exceptionally clean and cozy, with a staff that is highly motivated to provide top-notch dental care to the Kendall West, Miami community.
