Odontología cosmetica

A stunning smile starts with SP Smile! If you’re not happy with the way your teeth look, getting cosmetic dental work can help improve your confidence. If you have gaps in your teeth, yellowing or misshapen teeth, or other cosmetic concerns, dental veneers, bonding, or teeth whitening may be options to consider. Also, if you’re interested in improving your overall health, getting cosmetic dental work can also help reduce the risk of enfermedad de las encías and other dental problems.

What is cosmetic dentistry?

Cosmetic dentistry is a branch of dentistry that focuses on improving the appearance of teeth, gums, and other oral structures. Cosmetic dentists do not just focus on the aesthetics but also take into account the function. Cosmetic dentistry can be performed in many different ways.

Among the most popular procedures performed at our office are teeth whitening, dental bonding, veneers, and smile makeovers.

  • Teeth whitening is a process that removes discoloration from teeth caused by food and drinks like coffee, tea, wine or tobacco use.
  • Dental bonding is a procedure where composite resin is used to fill in gaps between teeth or cover up chipped tooth enamel.
  • Veneers are thin pieces of porcelain that are designed to cover up discolored or crooked teeth.
  • Smile makeovers are treatments which include multiple cosmetic dental procedures done at once such as veneers, tooth whitening and gum contouring to improve your smile

Cosmetic Dentistry Costs

The cost of cosmetic dentistry varies from dentist to dentist but typically, the more work that needs to be done, the higher the cost. For example, if a patient has missing teeth or has had previous dental surgeries undertaken, the price may be higher than for patients with healthy teeth. In most cases, dental insurance does not cover the cost of cosmetic dentistry treatments. Apprehension related to the cost of cosmetic dentistry is understandable, but we believe everyone deserves to feel confident when they smile. To make our services more accessible, we offer flexible payment options and membership plans.

It is essential to have healthy teeth and gums before considering cosmetic dentistry. Our state-of-the-art facility, equipped with the latest technology in dentistry, is the perfect place for all your aesthetic and general dentistry needs.

If you have any questions regarding how you can become a candidate for cosmetic procedures, you can reach us at (786) 228-7535. ¡Esperamos con interés escuchar de usted!
